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Sunday, 17 May 2015

Tooth Decay between health and disease


Tooth Decay is a parts of the infected teeth decay which may develop into small or large holes gradually. Caries, also called rot age, is the result of a number of reasons and factors combined together, including: teeth are not clean, not to take care of dental hygiene, eating sweets and Nqarc and drinks containing sugar. The Tooth Decay One of the most prevalent in different parts of the world health problems. Which it is prevalent primarily among children and adolescents, but that every man in his mouth, teeth may develop caries. In the absence of treatment of tooth decay, the holes may grow and expand, causing severe pain, infections, and even loss of teeth and other complications. The attendance to visit the dentist regularly, cleaning teeth thoroughly and use of the Sunni Nasah (dental floss for cleaning teeth - Dental floss) on a regular basis and permanent - are, together, the best prevention to prevent tooth decay and rot. They may be surprised, of course, know that cheese can help in the prevention of tooth decay, and that eating fried potato chips teeth hurt more than Anakarc cellular. In the case of injury, caries and tooth decay, early diagnosis and prompt treatment prevented a lot of pain and minimizes the costs of treatment, as well as they prevented the loss of teeth permanently. Symptoms of Tooth Decay Initial symptoms of the development of tooth decay vary from case to case, which concerns the degree of decay and location. Valtsus in the beginning may not be accompanied by any symptoms or signs. But, the more the decay, they show different symptoms, including: dental pain, tooth sensitivity, slight or severe pain when eating hot or cold foods or sweetened drinks (the mother will continue until after the completion of eating or drinking), holes can be observed eye teeth , pain when biting food and the appearance of pus (pus) around the tooth. The oral cavity containing, as other organs in the body, on many different types of germs. Some of these bacteria grow and reproduce in an environment of various foods or drinks that contain sugars or starches cooked, which is also known as fermented carbohydrates. And while these are not removed carbohydrates, by cleaning (scrub) teeth, the bacteria convert it into acids, within 20 minutes. Bacteria, acids, food particles and saliva turn into dental plaque is a sticky layer covering the teeth. In developing the tongue on the teeth can this Sunni plaque sensor, after only a few hours of cleaning teeth. Sunni plaque rough and be somewhat in the premolar area (or: molars), especially along the gum line. Acids that make up plaque attack in the Sunni minerals in the solid layer of the tooth, and so-called "Mina", which is the outer layer that covers the tooth. The erosion of "enamel" layer in age leads to a small holes in them - are tooth decay. In the case of the erosion of parts of the layer "enamel", germs and acids are able to reach the second layer of the tooth, and so-called "Ivory" (a middle class of age -). This layer is much softer and less able to resist acid, a layer of "enamel". When they reach age decay process to this point, increase the frequency and speed of rot age, gradually. As this thing continues, advancing germs and acids on its way into the classes that make up the age. They are moving into the dental pulp layer (the core of Age -), which is the inner layer of the tooth, leading to swollen and irritation. The Tooth decay affects, too, greatness assigned age. In very advanced stages of decay, the patient suffers from severe pain, excessive sensitivity of the teeth in the nibbling and other symptoms. Also, the body may respond to such a bacterial penetration inside, so by sending white blood cells to fight infection emerging. As a result, the abscess may be forming in the teeth. Process rot age, this, take time is short. Fixed teeth stronger than milk teeth and can hinder the development of tooth decay for a period ranging between one year and two years. And saliva only a partial role in cleaning the teeth from germs and acid process. But, whenever the continued erosion of older layers, one after the other, as a result of decay, this process takes more and more acceleration. The decay begins, often, in the premolar area (molars / molars) background, because the holes, gaps and meanders more than other teeth. Although this structure helps, a lot, in chewing food, but they are, also, an excellent breeding ground for the accumulation of food debris. Also, cleaning the molars more difficult than cleaning front teeth, which is more touching and it is easy to reach. As a result, dental plaque more easily and speed in the grinding molars where the bacteria thrive and produce acids and spend, thus, on the layer "enamel" is made up. Tooth Decay, as we mentioned, is one of the most prevalent health problems in the world, and everyone in his mouth teeth at risk of injury caries. There are several factors that increase the risk of caries, or the development of a state of rotting teeth. Many of these risk factors, including: Certain types of food and beverages. Some of these species are considered to decay-causing agents than others. The sugars (carbohydrates) fermented most important causes of tooth decay, since they stick to the teeth for long periods of time. Fermented carbohydrates include all sorts of sugars and most types of cooked starch, such as: milk, honey, sugar, soft drinks, raisins, cakes, candies solid, mouth fresheners, dried fruits, cereals and derivatives (such as Alchornfelks) bread and fried potato chips. Excessive consumption of sweetened beverages and Nqarc. Clean teeth is: do not clean (scrub) teeth Mineral water: Add fluoride to drinking water to help reduce the spread of tooth decay among the people, because these minerals are pious layer "enamel" in age. But in the current nowadays, very many of the people consume mineral water or filtered water that does not contain fluoride, thus losing the protection afforded by fluoride for their teeth. On the other hand, some mineral water may contain fluoride added to it, as well as tap water consumption (faucets) containing, too, fluoride, which could lead to the consumption of an excessive amount of fluoride, especially by children and children. For this, it is advisable to consult a dentist about the amount of fluoride that should be consumed. Dental elderly Teeth complaining of gingival decline Drought in the oral cavity: the drought in the oral cavity shows a lack of saliva. And nibble a central role in preventing tooth decay. It does Rinse leftovers Sunni and plaque from the teeth, and the minerals contained in it help to address the early stages of tooth decay. Saliva reduces the proliferation of bacteria which analyzes and fragmentation layer "enamel" in age or lead to inflammation in the oral cavity. The saliva is also the task of harmful acids found in the oral cavity budget. Composite fillings (or: fillings compensatory) - rarefied or pointed. Nutrition disorders: anorexia or bulimia bulimia deliberate - may lead to a serious erosion in older layers and the appearance of decay. Digestive Vcad that link to the oral cavity due to vomiting infect teeth and erode the "enamel" layer where. Also, eating disorders may confuse and hinder the process of the production of saliva. Moreover, some people who suffer from eating disorders and increased their eating soft drinks or other acidic during the day, which is a Htefa acidic always teeth. Heartburn (heartburn in the stomach). Contact close: Some bacteria that cause tooth decay can be transmitted from one person to another through kissing or use common tools to eat. Also, parents or people who are very approaching children had transferred these germs to them. Some cancer treatments. Complications Tooth Decay Tooth Decay diffuse very widely to the point that many people do not deal with the appropriate seriousness. It toddler, for example, lack of attention to pediatric dental caries in milk. But tooth decay may lead to complications and serious complications and long-term, even in children who did not germinate after their teeth fixed. Among these complications: Pains Abscess in the teeth Tooth loss Broken teeth Problems in chewing Severe infections In addition, when tooth decay up to the stage where pains are very sharp, this could hinder the exercise of daily life as normal, to the point of preventing the student out into the school, or the agent to work. If the severe aches and hinder the process of eating or chewing, it may lead to malnutrition and weight loss. If decay has led to the loss that has teeth negatively affect the self-confidence. In some very rare cases, it may result in an abscess formed due to tooth decay, a sharp pollution may pose a threat to the patient's life if not treated properly. Dentist can diagnose tooth decay super easily. It asks whether you have a mother or sensitivity, then scans your mouth and your teeth and the teeth tingling device which private check to make sure whether there are places in the loose teeth. You may need to check dental X-ray (ray Rntjn -) are capable, it is also, to diagnose tooth decay. Dentist, can also, determine the decay danger effect of life - the three: 1. dental decay (rot) on the surface of the tooth. Decay teeth of this kind affects the outer surface of age, where germs can survive for a long time, while attacking acids "enamel" layer. Decay teeth of this type appears, often, on the outer side of the age, any vector towards the cheek, in the near Line of gum. This type possible prevention and treatment easily, relatively speaking, unless appeared in the areas between the teeth. 2. decay premolar teeth (molars). Dental caries attack of this kind in the gaps and Altqarat teeth grinding, on the surface of the chewer. This type may develop rapidly if they did not care about the cleanliness of the mouth and teeth, or if we do not address tooth decay immediately when it appears. 3. decay teeth from the root of the tooth. Decay teeth of this type appears in the root of the tooth area. It is widespread, mainly among the elderly who suffer from gingival recession. Treatment of Tooth Decay Respect to the treatment of tooth decay, dramatically, largely decay and how dangerous the situation and health in general. Among the treatments are covered: Treatment with fluoride composite fillings (or: fillings compensatory) - the root of the tooth treatment (or: the treatment of nerve) Crown (full cover age is used to restore and repair the damaged teeth) take off (tooth extraction). The prevention of tooth decay Maintaining the cleanliness of the mouth and teeth regularly helps prevent tooth decay. If you follow the following instructions tips you can prevent decay teeth or rot: cleaning (scrub) teeth after eating or drinking mouth rinse visit a dentist regularly examining the possibility of tightening the gaps between the teeth, drinking water from the taps (faucets) to refrain as much as possible from eating Anakarc and sweetened drinks eating Health foods strengthens teeth with fluoride treatment using anti-bacteria, if necessary

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