Stomach aches various reasons and Prevention
Stomach aches, nausea, indigestion, acidity, heartburn ... are all signs point to a defect in the stomach may be the outcome of a simple inflammation or even ulceration can be severe in some cases turns into a cancerous disease in the absence of treatment and follow it closely. The best ways to treat diseases of the stomach begin prevention as Professor George Haj Peter specialist indicated in diseases of the stomach and digestive system, and the President of the digestive system and coordinator of the section in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Central Military Hospital, in an interview with the magazine "army" eating mentioned in its various forms and aspects of the disease. Let's begin with a simple inflammation of the stomach, what are the main causes? - Inflammation produces an error in the diet shows across three aspects: • First: irregular diet, lack of respect for the sense of meal times. • Second, the way you eat, especially in terms of speeding up eating. • Third: the quality of the food, as it constitutes some Osnavh a key factor in gastritis, recall include: sauces, pickles, spiritual and soft drinks, smoking, and a lot of coffee. ■ How the symptoms of the infection mentioned show; what are the ways adopted in treatment? - The most prominent signs of the disease are pain in the vicinity of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, and the method of treatment begins first prevention and protection especially in terms of following the diet properly take into account the factors mentioned previously singled out in what meal times and the types of foods consumed. The treatment is done through a number of medications that reduce stomach secretions, and another that will strengthen the stomach membrane. ■ Is the disease requires long-term treatment? - Treatment is usually within two months. However, the prevention and protection must continue to go for a long time, with reference to the neglect of treatment exposed to increased inflammation, which in turn can lead to ulcers and in some cases to stomach cancer. Ulcers and causes ulcers ■ How consist, lead and mother? - Ulcers are a type of wound that appears either in the stomach or in the membrane twelve, which can be deep or shallow. The wound usually consists in the inner layers of the stomach membrane, as can sometimes infect several layers of the said or even all of which leads to a hole in which the membrane (Perforation). ■ often hear that the diet is the main responsible for stomach ulcers, what is the validity of that? - There was this belief for a long period of time, as ulcers also responded to neurological reasons, but these concepts have changed following the discovery known as the "Helicobacter Pylori Q, which is now responsible for the bulk of ulceration stomach and duodenum bacteria, in addition to food and nervous factors. ■ What are signs that indicate the presence of a stomach ulcer? - Are similar to the symptoms of ulcers with those of stomach inflammation at the level of nausea and heartburn, while characterized by pain in the stomach grow strongly when the sense of hunger and in the middle of the night, and subsiding after eating. It also affects the symptoms that the patient, acidity and heartburn and indigestion. ■ How is it diagnosed? - After previewing the patient, the physician resort to diagnosis through a gastroscope, which authorized disclosure of the exact status of membrane pharynx, stomach and duodenum. The examination mentioned very easy because it takes between four and five minutes, no more, and the seriousness of virtually non-existent. And allows the telescope, as well as for the study of the stomach membrane, to withdraw from it and other samples of the twelve and examined, in order to determine the type of inflammation and unity on the one hand, and the creation of causing bacteria on the other hand, which determines the quality of treatment. In addition to the telescope, there are other ways to diagnose stomach notably the filming, but the examination of the telescope remains the most comprehensive and accurate. ■ Can the treatment of ulcers with drugs or whether they require surgery? - The development of the ulcer treatment significantly over the last thirty years of his Bakchaven important, first, the discovery of highly effective drugs in reducing secretions acid in the stomach (Chloridric Acid), and the second discovery of bacteria that we referred to earlier, so that factors mentioned contributed to the alleviation of complications of ulcers and thus reduce the number of surgical operations that was required by earlier treatment. Currently, the treatment of ulcers on the important elements are the drugs that reduce stomach secretions (Anti Pomp H +) on the one hand and antibiotics (Antibiotics) against MRSA on the other hand. This combination has revolutionized the treatment of ulcers, which now are in a very short time. It has also become possible to do without surgical operations in more than 98 percent of the cases, in addition to the reduction of contributions from bleeding ulcers and stomach hole and Tstm. ■ you refer to the two types of ulcers: gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, what is the difference between them? - Are similar to the symptoms and treatment methods in both types, but that stomach ulcers are at a turning cancerous in some cases, must therefore be periodically monitored by the telescope at a rate of once a month until her recovery, while this risk is almost nonexistent in duodenal ulcers. ■ stomach hernia reported in Taadadk for diseases of the stomach "stomach hernia", can he do with any inflammation or ulcers? - "Hernia" stomach is a kind of looseness in the youth that exists between the throat and stomach. The mission of this youth opened the way for food to pass from the pharynx to the stomach and then closed after the end of the process. In the case of looseness incapacitate for closure, leads to reflux of food to the pharynx (Reflux). Symptoms of hernia mentioned heartburn and acidity reflux and food. The prevention and treatment methods include the adoption of true including diet soft drinks for total abstinence, eat small meals, in addition to the lack of sleep directly hubby eating. And help in the approved drug therapy to unload the pharynx and operation of the stomach and strengthen the youth in addition to relieve stomach secretions. It is worth mentioning that there are some cases that require surgery whereby Decrease stream. The feeling of satiety and vomiting often caused by infection in the stomach membrane, doctors advised the need to address infectious inflammation, evolution of chronic gastrointestinal inflammation may lead to complications Kalasabh stomach ulcer difficult to treat. Some feel nauseous as well as severe pain in the stomach and heartburn after eating, especially fatty meals such as meat and potatoes. Although these symptoms pay some doubt infected a heart attack, but it may be an indicator of injury inflammation of the stomach mucosa. And develop gastritis disease in different ways if they are not handled as confirms Professor Hans Loehr specialist digestive diseases, pointing to the existence of two types of communicable infections; first type is acute inflammation feel injured because of nausea and vomiting sudden, and often symptoms disappear without there being the need to eat customized drugs. The second type is chronic inflammation, and symptoms of this type of gastric inflammation gradually, and feel the problems of living with him in the abdomen. This is because Loehr Professor infection causes chronic stomach into the causes of the first three results in weakness in the auto-immune, as the immune system attacks the cells of the body, especially the mucous membrane of the stomach cells. The second reason is attributable to infection due to food poisoning infection Heldubaktrbelora, the third reason is taking medications, especially painkillers. And confirms Professor Loehr on the need to treat chronic gastritis, Vahmalh may lead to disease stomach ulcer. It is usually used drugs for the treatment of chronic gastritis, as the acidity of the stomach to reduce production, leading to a strengthening of the mucous membrane and thus alleviate the inflammation. If the bacteria are caused by inflammation, they are eliminating the use of antibiotics. It should avoid the factors causing inflammation of the stomach and eat Kalarhaq pain relievers. Professor advised to stay away from Loehr agitation is necessary for the stomach. By cutting out eating hot spice or coffee and nicotine, they are agitating produce acidity in the stomach leads to worsening of symptoms The stomach of the most important members of that control much of the functions within the body, and as they say "the stomach is the home of disease", and this is evidence that most of the diseases that affect the individual returns caused to the stomach, and any problem that may occur for the stomach may affect the functions of the body, so it must accelerate to find the right solution to the pain of the stomach so as not to develop it and lead to much more than just a pain problems. So what are the reasons that you may feel pain in the stomach? And how it can be prevented and treated? Underlying causes of pain in the stomach injury Get some cramps in the stomach, causing pain, and sometimes be the cause of these spasms is trapped gases. Occurrence of disorder in the stomach, causing some tensions with the presence of diarrhea, and this disorder is caused by inflammation of the stomach infection caused by a virus or bacteria. Infection gastric mucosa; which causes sudden pain, vomiting and nausea. Infection appendicitis causing pain in the abdominal region in general. Incidence of gastric ulcers, and irritation, it causes heartburn. Stomach injury germ caused a lot of pain, especially when eating. Pain may occur in the stomach side Catharist for taking certain medications and painkillers. Sensitivity to certain foods, which causes severe pain in the stomach area. Eating too much spicy foods many spices and chilli. Balenzlh intestinal infection caused by eating contaminated food, has been accompanied by nausea and diarrhea. Incidence of food poisoning to eat expired food which leads to a sense of acute disease. Injury constipated; Valamsak works on reserve waste within the stomach and there is difficulty in removing thus causing pain. Smoking causes the occurrence of pain in the stomach, especially when a lot of it. Methods of prevention and treatment of stomach pains Eating a healthy diet rich in fiber and nutrients are easy to digest, and work to chew food thoroughly before swallowing even the stomach does not happen any UPSET infect or constipation or diarrhea facilities in most of the cases of severe pain. Stay away from eating prepared foods that may be contaminated with viruses and bacteria. Stay away from fried foods and eat with saturated fats. Alaptad for soft drinks and beverages containing caffeine. In the case of infections caused by viruses infected not given any medication, but if the cause is a type of bacteria, the antibiotics may be useful in treatment. You should see a doctor if pain persists with nausea and diarrhea for more than three days, or in the event of increased pain; where the doctor assess the situation and describe appropriate treatment.
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