Sunday, 21 June 2015
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Sunday, 14 June 2015
قصيدة البردة للبوصيرى قراءة واستماع
مولاي صلّ وسلّـــــم … دائماً أبداً … على حبيبك خيــــر الخلق كلهم
أمِنْ تَــذَكِّرِ جيرانٍ بــذي سَــلَم مَزَجْتَ دَمعــا جرى مِن مُقلَةٍ بِدَمِ
أَم هَبَّتِ الريحُ مِن تلقــاءِ كــاظِمَةٍ وأومَضَ البرقُ في الظَّلمـاءِ مِن إضَمِ
فـما لِعَينـيك إن قُلتَ اكْفُفَـا هَمَـتَا وما لقلبِكَ إن قلتَ اسـتَفِقْ يَهِــمِ
أيحَســب الصَبُّ أنَّ الحبَّ مُنكَتِــمٌ ما بينَ منسَــجِمٍ منه ومُضْـطَـرِمِ
لولا الهوى لم تُرِقْ دمعـــا على طَلِلِ ولا أَرِقْتَ لِــذِكْرِ البـانِ والعَلَـمِ
فكيفَ تُنْكِـرُ حبا بعدمـا شَــهِدَت به عليـك عُدولُ الدمـعِ والسَّـقَمِ
وأثبَتَ الـوَجْدُ خَـطَّي عَبْرَةٍ وضَـنَى مثلَ البَهَـارِ على خَدَّيـك والعَنَـمِ
نَعَم سـرى طيفُ مَن أهـوى فـأَرَّقَنِي والحُبُّ يعتَـرِضُ اللـذاتِ بالأَلَـمِ
يــا لائِمي في الهوى العُذْرِيِّ مَعـذرَةً مِنِّي اليـك ولَو أنْصَفْـتَ لَم تَلُـمِ
عَدَتْـــكَ حالي لا سِـرِّي بمُسْـتَتِرٍ عن الوُشــاةِ ولا دائي بمُنحَسِــمِ
مَحَّضْتَنِي النُّصْحَ لكِنْ لَســتُ أسمَعُهُ إنَّ المُحِبَّ عَنِ العُــذَّالِ في صَمَـمِ
إنِّي اتَّهَمْتُ نصيحَ الشَّـيْبِ فِي عَذَلِي والشَّـيْبُ أبعَـدُ في نُصْحٍ عَنِ التُّهَمِ
فـانَّ أمَّارَتِي بالسـوءِ مــا اتَّعَظَت مِن جهلِـهَا بنذير الشَّـيْبِ والهَـرَمِ
ولا أعَــدَّتْ مِنَ الفِعلِ الجميلِ قِرَى ضَيفٍ أَلَـمَّ برأسـي غيرَ مُحتشِـمِ
لــو كنتُ أعلـمُ أنِّي مــا أُوَقِّرُهُ كتمتُ سِـرَّا بَــدَا لي منه بالكَتَمِ
مَن لي بِرَدِّ جِمَــاح مِن غَوَايتِهَــا كما يُرَدُّ جِمَاَحُ الخيــلِ بالُّلُـجُمِ
فـلا تَرُمْ بالمعاصي كَسْـرَ شـهوَتهَا إنَّ الطعـامَ يُقوِّي شــهوةَ النَّهِمِ
والنَّفسُ كَالطّفلِ إِنْ تُهمِلْه ُشَبَّ عَلَى حُبِّ الرّضَاع وَإِِِنْ تَفْطِمْهُ يَنفَطِــمِ
فاصْرِف هواهــا وحاذِر أَن تُوَلِّيَهُ إنَّ الهوى مـا تَـوَلَّى يُصْمِ أو يَصِمِ
وراعِهَـا وهْيَ في الأعمال سـائِمَةٌ وإنْ هِيَ استَحْلَتِ المَرعى فلا تُسِـمِ
كَـم حسَّــنَتْ لَـذَّةً للمرءِ قاتِلَةً مِن حيثُ لم يَدْرِ أَنَّ السُّمَّ في الدَّسَـمِ
واخْشَ الدَّسَائِسَ مِن جوعٍ ومِن شِبَعٍ فَرُبَّ مخمَصَةٍ شَـــرٌّ مِنَ التُّـخَمِ
واستَفرِغِ الدمعَ مِن عينٍ قَـدِ امْتَلأتْ مِن المَحَـارِمِ والْزَمْ حِميَـةَ َالنَّـدَمِ
وخالِفِ النفسَ والشيطانَ واعصِهِـمَا وإنْ همـا مَحَّضَـاكَ النُّصحَ فاتَّهِـمِ
فلا تُطِعْ منهما خصمَا ولا حكَمَــا فأنت تعرفُ كيـدَ الخَصمِ والحَكَـمِ
أستغفر الله من قول بــــلا عمل لقــد نسبت به نسلا لذي عقـم
أمرتك الخير لكن ما ائتمرت بـــه ومــا استقمت فما قولي لك استقم
ولا تزودت قبل الموت نافــــلة ولم أُصل سوى فرض ولم أصـــم
وراوَدَتْــهُ الجبالُ الشُّـمُّ مِن ذَهَبٍ عن نفسِـه فـأراها أيَّمَـــا شَمَمِ
وأكَّــدَت زُهدَهُ فيها ضرورَتُــهُ إنَّ الضرورةَ لا تعــدُو على العِصَمِ
وكيف تدعو إلى الدنيا ضرورة من لولاه لم تخرج الدنيا من عدم
محمدٌّ سـيدُ الكــونينِ والثقَلَـيْنِ والفريقـين مِن عُـربٍ ومِن عَجَـمِ
نَبِيُّنَـا الآمِرُ النَّــاهِي فلا أَحَــدٌ أبَـرُّ في قَــولِ لا منـه ولا نَعَـمِ
هُو الحبيبُ الــذي تُرجَى شـفاعَتُهُ لكُــلِّ هَوْلٍ مِن الأهـوالِ مُقتَحَمِ
دَعَـا إلى اللهِ فالمُسـتَمسِـكُون بِـهِ مُستَمسِـكُونَ بِحبـلٍ غيرِ مُنفَصِـمِ
فــاقَ النَّبيينَ في خَلْـقٍ وفي خُلُـقٍ ولم يُـدَانُوهُ في عِلــمٍ ولا كَـرَمِ
وكُــلُّهُم مِن رسـولِ اللهِ مُلتَمِـسٌ غَرْفَا مِنَ البحرِ أو رَشفَاً مِنَ الدِّيَـمِ
فَهْوَ الـــذي تَمَّ معنــاهُ وصورَتُهُ ثم اصطفـاهُ حبيباً بارِيءُ النَّسَــمِ
مُنَـزَّهٌ عـن شـريكٍ في محاسِــنِهِ فجَـوهَرُ الحُسـنِ فيه غيرُ منقَسِـمِ
دَع مــا ادَّعَتهُ النصارى في نَبِيِّهِـمِ واحكُم بما شئتَ مَدحَاً فيه واحتَكِـمِ
وانسُبْ إلى ذاتِهِ ما شـئتَ مِن شَـرَفٍ وانسُب إلى قَدْرِهِ ما شئتَ مِن عِظَـمِ
فَــإنَّ فَضلَ رســولِ اللهِ ليـس له حَـدٌّ فَيُعـرِبَ عنـهُ نــاطِقٌ بِفَمِ
لم يمتَحِنَّــا بمـا تَعيَــا العقولُ بـه حِرصَـاً علينـا فلم نرتَـبْ ولم نَهِمِ
أعيـى الورى فَهْمُ معنــاهُ فليسَ يُرَى في القُرْبِ والبُعـدِ فيه غـيرُ مُنفَحِمِ
كـالشمسِ تظهَرُ للعينَيْنِ مِن بُــعُدٍ صغيرةً وتُكِـلُّ الطَّـرْفَ مِن أَمَـمِ
وكيفَ يُــدرِكُ في الدنيــا حقيقَتَهُ قَــوْمٌ نِيَــامٌ تَسَلَّوا عنه بـالحُلُمِ
فمَبْلَغُ العِــلمِ فيه أنــه بَشَــرٌ وأَنَّــهُ خيرُ خلْـقِ الله كُـــلِّهِمِ
أكــرِمْ بخَلْـقِ نبيٍّ زانَــهُ خُلُـقٌ بالحُسـنِ مشـتَمِلٌ بالبِشْـرِ مُتَّسِـمِ
أبــانَ مولِدُهُ عن طِيــبِ عنصُرِهِ يـــا طِيبَ مُبتَـدَاٍ منه ومُختَتَـمِ
يَــومٌ تَفَرَّسَ فيــه الفُرسُ أنَّهُـمُ قَــد أُنـذِرُوا بِحُلُولِ البُؤسِ والنِّقَمِ
وبـاتَ إيوَانُ كِسـرَى وَهْوَ مُنْصَدِعٌ كَشَـملِ أصحابِ كِسـرَى غيرَ مُلتَئِمِ
والنارُ خـامِدَةُ الأنفـاسِ مِن أَسَـفٍ عليه والنهرُ سـاهي العَيْنِ مِن سَـدَمِ
وسـاءَ سـاوَةَ أنْ غاضَتْ بُحَيرَتُهَـا وَرُدَّ وارِدُهَـا بــالغَيْظِ حينَ ظَـمِي
كــأَنَّ بالنـارِ ما بالمـاءِ مِن بَلَـلٍ حُزْنَـاً وبـالماءِ ما بـالنار مِن ضَـرَمِ
والجِنُّ تَهتِفُ والأنــوارُ ســاطِعَةٌ والحـقُّ يظهَـرُ مِن معنىً ومِن كَـلِمِ
مِن بعـدِ ما أخبَرَ الأقوامَ كــاهِنُهُم بــأنَّ دينَـهُـمُ المُعـوَجَّ لم يَقُـمِ
وبعـدما عاينُوا في الأُفقِِ مِن شُـهُبٍ مُنقَضَّةٍ وَفـقَ مـا في الأرضِ مِن صَنَمِ
حتى غَــدا عن طـريقِ الوَحيِ مُنهَزِمٌ مِن الشـياطينِ يقفُو إثْــرَ مُنهَـزِمِ
كــأنَّهُم هَرَبَــا أبطــالُ أبْرَهَـةٍ أو عَسكَرٌ بـالحَصَى مِن راحَتَيْـهِ رُمِي
نَبْذَا به بَعــدَ تسـبيحٍ بِبَـطنِهِمَــا نَبْـذَ المُسَبِّحِ مِن أحشــاءِ ملتَقِـمِ
جاءت لِــدَعوَتِهِ الأشـجارُ سـاجِدَةً تمشِـي إليه على سـاقٍ بــلا قَدَمِ
كــأنَّمَا سَـطَرَتْ سـطرا لِمَا كَتَبَتْ فُرُوعُهَـا مِن بـديعِ الخَطِّ في الَّلـقَمِ
مثلَ الغمــامَةِ أَنَّى سـارَ ســائِرَةً تَقِيـهِ حَرَّ وَطِيـسٍ للهَجِــيرِ حَمِي
وما حوى الغـــارُ مِن خيرٍ ومِن كَرَمِ وكُــلُّ طَرْفٍ مِنَ الكفارِ عنه عَمِي
فالصدقُ في الغــارِ والصدِّيقُ لم يَرِمَـا وهُم يقولون مـا بالغــارِ مِن أَرِمِ
ظنُّوا الحمــامَ وظنُّوا العنكبوتَ على خــيرِ البَرِّيَّـةِ لم تَنسُـجْ ولم تَحُمِ
وِقَـــايَةُ اللهِ أغنَتْ عَن مُضَــاعَفَةٍ مِنَ الدُّرُوعِ وعن عــالٍ مِنَ الأُطُمِ
لا تُنكِـــرِ الوَحْيَ مِن رُؤيَـاهُ إنَّ لَهُ قَلْبَاً إذا نــامَتِ العينـانِ لم يَنَـمِ
فذاك حينَ بُلُــوغٍ مِن نُبُوَّتِــــهِ فليسَ يُنـكَرُ فيهِ حـالُ مُحتَلِــمِ
تبــارَكَ اللهُ مــا وَحيٌ بمُكتَسَـبٍ ولا نــبيٌّ على غيــبٍ بمُتَّهَـمِ
كَــم أبْرَأَتْ وَصِبَـاً باللمسِ راحَتُهُ وأطلَقَتْ أَرِبَــاً مِن رِبــقَةِ اللمَمِ
وأَحْيت السَــنَةَ الشَّــهباءَ دَعوَتُهُ حتى حَكَتْ غُرَّةً في الأَعصُرِ الدُّهُـمِ
بعارِضٍ جادَ أو خِلْتَ البِطَـاحَ بهــا سَـيْبٌ مِنَ اليمِّ أو سَـيْلٌ مِنَ العَرِمِ
دَعنِي وَوَصفِيَ آيـــاتٍ له ظهَرَتْ ظهُورَ نـارِ القِرَى ليـلا على عَـلَمِ
آيــاتُ حَقٍّ مِنَ الرحمنِ مُحدَثَــةٌ قــديمَةٌ صِفَةُ الموصـوفِ بالقِـدَمِ
لم تَقتَرِن بزمـــانٍ وَهْيَ تُخبِرُنــا عَنِ المَعَـــادِ وعَن عـادٍ وعَن إرَمِ
دامَتْ لدينـا ففاقَتْ كُــلَّ مُعجِزَةٍ مِنَ النَّبيينَ إذ جــاءَتْ ولَم تَـدُمِ
ما حُورِبَت قَطُّ إلا عــادَ مِن حَرَبٍ أَعـدَى الأعـادِي اليها مُلقِيَ السَّلَمِ
رَدَّتْ بلاغَتُهَــا دَعوى مُعارِضِهَـا رَدَّ الغَيُورِ يَـدَ الجــانِي عَن الحُرَمِ
لها مَعَــانٍ كَموْجِ البحرِ في مَـدَدٍ وفَـوقَ جَوهَرِهِ في الحُسـنِ والقِيَمِ
فَمَـا تُـعَدُّ ولا تُحـصَى عجائِبُهَـا ولا تُسَـامُ على الإكثــارِ بالسَّأَمِ
ومَن تَـكُن برسـولِ اللهِ نُصرَتُـهُ إن تَلْقَهُ الأُسْـدُ في آجــامِهَا تَجِمِ
أَحَــلَّ أُمَّتَـهُ في حِـرْزِ مِلَّتِــهِ كالليْثِ حَلَّ مَعَ الأشـبالِ فِي أَجَمِ
كَـم جَدَّلَتْ كَـلِمَاتُ الله مِن جَدَلٍ فيه وكـم خَصَمَ البُرهانُ مِن خَصِمِ
كفــاكَ بـالعلمِ في الأُمِّيِّ مُعجَزَةً في الجاهـليةِ والتــأديبَ في اليُتُمِ
خَدَمْتُهُ بمديــحٍ أســتَقِيلِ بِـهِ ذُنوبَ عُمْر مَضَى في الشِّعرِ والخِدَمِ
إذ قَـلَّدَانِيَ ما تُخشَـى عـواقِبُـهُ كــأنني بِهِــمَا هَدْيٌ مِنَ النَّعَمِ
إنْ آتِ ذَنْبَـاً فمــا عَهدِي بمُنتَقِضٍ مِنَ النَّبِيِّ ولا حَبـلِي بمُنصَـــرِمِ
فـــإنَّ لي ذِمَّةً منــه بتَسـمِيَتِي مُحمَّدَاً وهُوَ أوفَى الخلقِ بــالذِّمَمِ
يا رَبِّ بالمصطفى بلغ مقاصدنا واغفر لنا ما مضى يا واسع الكرم
Saturday, 13 June 2015
Friday, 12 June 2015
Thursday, 11 June 2015
نتيجة الشهادة الاعدادىة والابتدائية الازهرىة 2015 برقم الجلوس الترم الثاني من بوابة الازهر الالكترونيه
نتيجة الاعدادية الازهرية 2015 اضغط هنا
اما عن الشهادة الاعدادية اخر العام 2015 بلغت نسبة النجاح 51% وتقدم للامتحانات 140 الف طالب وطالبة على مستوى الجمهورية
نتيجة الشهادة الاعدادية الازهرية 2015 برقم الجلوس موقع الازهر و بوابة الازهر الالكترونيه
نتيجة الشهادة الاعدادىة والابتدائية الازهرىة 2015 برقم الجلوس الترم الثاني من بوابة الازهر الالكترونيه
في اطار متابعة نتيجة الشهادة الاعدادىة الازهرىة 2015 ، نقدم لكن عبر موقع لغة العصر نتيحة الأزهر آخر العام جميع المحافظات برقم الجلوس،الازهر التعليمي رابط نتيجة الشهادة الاعدادية الازهرية 2015 برقم الجلوس نتائج الامتحانات بالمحافظات.
رابط نتيجة الشهادة الاعدادية الازهرية 2015 برقم الجلوس نتائج الامتحانات بالمحافظات ، حيث تم إعلان النتائج من خلال الوقع الرسمي الإلكتروني الخاص ببوابة الأزهر التعليمية.
حيث لا تعتبر نتيجة الشهادة الاعدادية الازهرية 2015 التي سوف تعرض على موقع الأزهر كمستند رسمي يتم إستخدامه في أي جهة حكومية ، وأنها فقط من أجل الإستعلام عن النتيجة لا أكثر .
وقد اعتمد عباس شومان نتيجة الصف الثالث الاعدادى الازهرى والصف السادس الابتدائى اخر العام 2015 وبلغت نسبة النجاح للشهادة الابتدائية الازهرية 58% حيث تقدم للامتحانات حوالى 170الف فى الشهادة الابتدائية اما عن الشهادة الاعدادية اخر العام 2015 بلغت نسبة النجاح 51% وتقدم للامتحانات 140 الف طالب وطالبة على مستوى الجمهورية
نتيجة الشهادة الاعدادية الازهرية 2015 برقم الجلوس موقع الازهر و بوابة الازهر الالكترونيه
رابط النتيجة
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
What i,m in that life?
In the frist time ,i lose my way and feel i,m die , but i take long look in that wold , and ask What i,m in that life , i,m nothing wold very big and i don,t see my self in that biger word , and get more info about sky and sun and more thing ,i don,t know any thing about it . and think about die and i don,t find any thing after die , i lose my self , where i,m , i,m no thing , i look about people , all runing , why to eat or sex or what i don,t find answer , one come and one die . so what i,m in life???????
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Saturday, 30 May 2015
Slowed the movement of the Earth's rotation around the sun
We discovered that the Earth and the speed of rotation is slowing down at a rate of almost 62.4 seconds in the century, in the sense that the earth was the fastest in the past, although it simple rate, but the ground speed is linked to the important things which is the length of day and night and the tides and wind speed and many other factors influencing strongly the existence of life on earth and all these factors if they were different from now make life inappropriate but at a certain point be impossible and this is also sure to measure the rate of slowing down the speed of the earth that life on earth short. The speed of the earth around itself and is almost 1670 kilometers per hour, or about 1040 miles per hour, but it is slowing down (this is its speed around the sun which is 108,000 km per hour) The reason for this several factors, most notably a nutshell is that the mutual attraction between the moon and the earth and root tide phenomenon occurs but because of the earth's rotation around the same direction the tide is not perpendicular to the moon, but his small slant angle This makes it extra strength there Angular momentum have an impact The first is that they make the moon a little accelerating speed or escape wheel standing, and spreading out its orbit and this size and already I have spoken previously that the moon spreading out at a rate of 3.8 cm per year The second effect is the resistance to the speed of rotation of the Earth, such as braking and make it slow down. Because of the Earth slowing simple this prolongs the day by a not feel every year, but in time with modern equipment size and when it is moving and gathering time equivalent to 1 second difference in time scale forced to enter a second at the end of June 30 July 1 or at the end of December 31, before before the beginning of January 1, depending on the amount of time but that does not hear him constantly because he is influential in our daily lives. Bdooua realize this in the year 1972 In this year after they added a second on 30 June and then on December 31 in the same year in order to adjust adequately time scales Earth spins in a vacuum or influenced by the attractiveness of the sun are also affected by the rotation of the moon around And the earth's crust in the ground outside, but inside this molten metals and minerals between them and the crust friction during the rotation. And also because of tidal water and the root cause impact on the movement of the earth and called Pfermlh Tidal brake This also affects the speed of the earth The third factor is the sun to heat the air that climbs to the top and come down to his place of cold air, causing the movement of wind and wind moved this despite the weak impact but also cause resistance to ground and causes also Chorales The important point here If the earth was slow in the past they were the fastest in the rotation around itself in the recent past and the fastest in the distant past. We noticed from measurements that often in the past, any slowdown faster rate each year added a second and now every year and a half and added a second but'll let this thing as I said later. Some wonder why we do not feel it does not change our watches and computer is affected? Problematic in that we do not feel it because the second definition is a unit of day any 1 \ 86400 (1 \ 24 * 60 * 60) This measure of Atomic second. If the ground speed I said a very simple thing by less than 2 thousand of a second a day or more and a few long year by seconds or less this makes long day with something very simple we do not feel it, but the second measure, although he changed UT1 and UTC but still steady he is still 1 \ 86400 from the day a little too long. Without the complexities of what concerns us most in this matter stretching in our barometer does not change, but a change in the scientific standards. Today 86400 second year and nearly 31.5576 million at a rate of 25 seconds and a second in 40 years no less than 62.4 per century, or the sense of 0.624 seconds in size this year and wait more .............
Monday, 25 May 2015
Central nerve cell and its role and its accompanying symptoms
Unit construction of the nervous system in the neuron (nerve cell) Neuron, and the nervous system in humans consists of two basic types of cells, are the glacial cells and neurons Glacial Cells Neurons. And neuron consists of a body Cell Body and the focus of Axon, and the cell body containing the nucleus of the cell and protrudes from the surface Snatch or ramifications of the outside have to do in the reception or transmission of electrical signals, and receives body of the neuron's electrical signals (nerve) from other neurons through the dendrite Dendrites of the body of neuron another or from one axis neuron another by clips Synapses, and synapse is a space at the confluence of branch neuron or axis of neuron with a body cell neuron another for the transfer of electrical signals through chemicals called neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters and are numerous and which Horsetail Colin Oxyacetylene and adrenaline and noradrenaline Adrenaline Noradrenaline. Axon neuron axis is a stretch out of the cell body and transmits electrical signals from the neuron. And Axis envelope from abroad plates myelitis Myelitis Sheaths and is an insulating material of the axis and are necessary for the transfer of electrical signals which, in the central nervous system a few glacial cells dendrite Dendrochronology is responsible for the production of myelitis, whereas in the peripheral nervous system cells are Schwinn Schwinn Cells It is responsible for the production of myelitis . In the nervous system collects the bodies of neurons in the totals, and these totals in the central nervous system called the Nucleus kernel or Ganglion knots, while in the peripheral nervous system are called these totals, contract (a single "node") Ganglion. Axes as well as the neurons are clustered together to be nerves Nerves, nerves and divided in terms of location of the node into two types: 1. nerves before the node Pres-Ganglionic Nerves. 2. nerves after node Post-Ganglionic Nerves. In the nervous system, nerves (neurons objects axes) before the node is intertwined with the bodies of neurons that nerves from which the post-node through clamps in the contract for the transfer of signals to say Alternator .Cunningham likened decade or train stations where transfer cargo (electric nerve signals) from train the last to be delivered in the end desired by. Glacial cells Glacial Cells are support cells for neurons in the nervous system and is not involved in the transmission of nerve signals (electrical). And the number of glacial cells almost ten times the number of neurons in the nervous system, but as glacial cell size is equal to one tenth the size of the neuron understanding incumbents same space (mass) in the nervous system. Naming glacial cells derived from the Latin word "Gallic" which means previously glutinous or glue or gum and so popular belief that the core business is the link between neurons (such as cement in construction). There are four types of glacial cells, are: 1) glacial cells, erythrocytes glacial erythrocytes glacial cells is the largest in size, and called Baled Jemimah ramifications of the large number of high-profile outside of the cell Khaki Star Astor. The ramifications of erythrocytes link between neurons and blood vessels to transport food to them. And have the ability to convert glucose to lactate Glucose Lactate easier commonly used for energy production in neurons. Erythrocytes also have the ability to convert glucose into glycogen for Glycogen storage and use when you need to extend the power of neurons in cases of falling blood sugar level. Erythrocytes contribute to the removal of excess electric charges in the liquid outside neurons to maintain the Ionian Ocean (electric) appropriate to the work of neurons to the fullest in the transmission of nerve signals. And her role with micrograms in stimulating the secretion of substances for the growth of neurons after damage (Thalami- after stroke - Stroke). 2) Low glacial cells dendrite (dendrites) Dendrochronology: these cells are working on the composition of the insulating layer surrounding neurons in the central nervous system Central Nervous System, and plates, called myelitis Sheaths, of course, these plates (insulating layers) isolates the electrical charge (neural signals) that travels in nerves from each other until the shipment does not affect the other shipment, and therefore the meaning of the brain for these shipments, which translates into actions and reactions. A few glacial cells dendrite does not surround themselves around neurons, and it emits and the ramifications of this are the ramifications that wraps around neurons and be insulating layers. neuron_cans.jag ) Micrograms Micrograms: Glacial cells are smaller in size, it is working Milkmaid damaged and dead in the nervous system cells. There is evidence that it is also responsible for renewal of damaged cells and helps to guide the growth of neurons (neurons and determine through the ramifications) growth. 4) Schwinn cells Schwinn Cells: Glacial cells are the counterpart few dendrite in the peripheral nervous system Peripheral Nervous System, responsible for the formation and the insulating layer (myelitis sheets) of neurons in the peripheral nervous system. These cells are mainly made up of grease Lipids and you give described buffer electric charge. Schwinn cells help speed the transmission of nerve signals (electrical charge) in neurons, as well as her role in the growth of neurons after damage. Schwinn cells surround themselves fully informed about other than a few glacial neuron dendrite cells in the central nervous system Glacial cells work boils down to the following: working as a pillar and support neurons. It insulates electric charge between neurons and between the clamps. Act as a vector for food neurons. Working Milkmaid damaged and dead cells, and secrete substances stimulating the growth of neurons. Maintain the ionic composition (electric) Ionic Composition of the fluids outside neurons Extra Cellular Fluids. Central nervous system Central nervous system consists of the brain in the human Brain and spinal cord or spinal cord Spinal Cord. And the brain consists of: 1) brain Cerebrum. 2) the brain stem Brainstorm, which includes the brain and the bridge East Birdbrain Eons and rectangle spinal Medulla Obligation. 3) the cerebellum Cerebellum. brain.jag Brain antibodies neurons are concentrated in the outer layer (the cerebral cortex) Cerebral Cortex and have color gray and this is called the gray matter Grey Matter and neurons axes found at home and be in color white and this is called white matter White Matter, and in the white matter there are gatherings objects neurons and these gatherings called the nucleus Nucleus or Ganglion knots. Spinal cord in the opposite white matter (neurons axes) abroad and gray matter (neuron bodies) on the inside. Longitudinal fissure divides the medial (inner) Medial Longitudinal Fissure brain into two halves is completely separate from each other, and are the right cerebral hemisphere Right Cerebral Hemisphere and the left cerebral hemisphere Left Cerebral Hemisphere. And the right half of the ball controls the left side of the body and vice versa left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and one of them be the dominant cerebral hemisphere Dominant Cerebral Hemisphere, People who use the right hand is the left cerebral hemisphere is dominant and they have people who use the left hand have the right cerebral hemisphere is dominant Andaman.o including that most people are using the right hand often be left cerebral hemisphere is dominant. Wrinkle gray matter in the brain in the form of convolutions Geri and single convolution Gyros, and this is to increase the brain's surface area and between Kalevala there are cracks and the cracks have names and important to know the different gyro of the brain and will remind Kalevala and cracks task of them and their functions. And divided each of the hemisphere cerebral in the outer surface to the four (4) lobes, and two: the frontal lobe Frontal Lobe, and is responsible for controlling emotions and emotions in the human and his character, and also important to learn and practice the sensory motor skills complex, People who have damage to this lobe can not afford social attitudes and how to properly dispose of these positions and not in control of his emotions Aftermath sometimes laugh and sometimes cry and anything that comes to mind they are doing, without assessment of whether an appropriate response in this situation or not. Inferior frontal gurus as well as contain in the back than in the hemisphere cerebral control of the Brocades Brock area's Area and is responsible for speaking and damage the region leads to aphasia Kinetic Motor Aphasia where the infected person knows what he wants to say, but he can not speak or be his words slow and incomprehensible in spite of the absence of paralysis in the muscles of the tongue and throat (ENT). Cyrus in front of the central prong Central Cyrus and the wall of the central prong Central Calculus front containing motor cortex Motor Cortex responsible for voluntary muscle movement in the opposite side of the body, any motor cortex in the left cerebral hemisphere is responsible for the movement of the muscles of the left side of the body and vice verso motor cortex in the left cerebral hemisphere is responsible for the movement of the muscles of the right side of the body, and damage to this area leads to paralysis in the opposite side of the body. In the motor cortex of the body are represented upside down, that is, the bottom of the motor cortex controls the tongue and throat and then the face and so on and be in the top muscles foot control area. Parietal lobe Parietal Lobe and contains a central gyros behind Centralist Cyrus and this gyros with the back wall of the central claw contain sensory cortex Sensory Cortex responsible for sensation in the opposite side of the Small.o damage to this region leads to loss of sensation in the opposite side of the body and be members of the body upside down as it is represented in the motor cortex. Temporal Lobe temporal lobe and temporal gyros upper Superior Temporal Gurus has a hearing areas and also contains a marginal Cyrus epitaxial Submarginal Gyros and the angular gyros Marginal Gurus and two contain memory own words read and written and damage to this area leads to dyslexia (difficulty reading and learned) Dyslexia. Occipital lobe Occipital Lobe, is located in the back of the brain and has a vision center and the region damage leads to blindness. left_hemisphere.jag As mentioned previously, the cerebral hemispheres are not separated from completely each other, we can say that they have been separated from each other at the top, in the inner surface relate with each other by the corpus callous Corpus Callous and is a nerve fibers (neurons axes) reached between similar areas in halves the brain. And it will be ungulate gyros Ungulate Gurus and is part of the limb system and Limb device that controls emotions and sensations in humans. Under the corpus callous is the lateral ventricle (lateral) Lateral Ventricle, and there Bettina, one right and another left and connects each ventricle Third Third Ventricle by foreman center (between) the ventricles Ventricular Foreman or foreman of Monro Formalin of Munro and related third ventricle ventricle Fourth Fourth Ventricle, which is located in the brain stem by liquefied Vilnius Aqueduct of Sylvia which crosses through the brain East. And then connects the fourth ventricle Central canal Central Canal in the spinal cord and these four ventricles and the central channel contains the cerebrospinal fluid (or CSF) CerebroSpinal Fluid. brain_lateral.jpg Drawing of the internal surface of the brain, the Green Zone is an extension of the motor cortex and yellow stretch of the sensory cortex, the region Baltrquaz is the vision center in the occipital lobe and the red zone is the exact vision center. Midbrain and bridge Pons Midbrain and spinal rectangle Medulla Oblongata are brain stem Brainstem. And the brain is located East over the bridge and the bridge over the rectangle bone and which is connected to the spinal cord and the cerebellum Cerebellum is located behind them, and the cerebellum connects the trunk of the brain by cerebellar peduncle Superior Cerebellar Peduncle upper and lower cerebellar peduncle Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle. There in the brain East rose visual reaction centers, for example, when your hands touch something or you notice something and you want to see or Taatvhs closely you pay attention and focus your gaze toward him or the closer you and so on. And midbrain also contains a Rose auditory reaction centers, for example, you hear a beep what Vtlf towards the sound source to see what it is. East and the brain contains a nucleus of cranial nerves and the third quarter and the fifth. ventricles.jpg The bridge has a nucleus of cranial nerves fifth and sixth and seventh and eighth as well, and the rectangle contains the spinal nucleus of cranial nerves IX and X and atheist tenth and twelfth. And cranial nerves Cranial Nerves are part of the peripheral nervous system Peripheral Nervous System and will remind them of their names in sequential order and function: olfactory nerve Olfactory Nerve responsible for the sense of smell in humans. Optic Nerve optic nerve responsible for vision in humans. Locomotion nerve Locomotion Nerve and feeds the external eye muscles responsible for the whole eye movement except rectos muscle brutality and superior oblique muscle. And it carries with nerve fibers and friendly Sympathetic Fibers responsible for Rose eye reaction to light (reflected photosensitive) Light reflex, as well as adapt Accommodation Reflex reflex example, adjust the eye to read closely. Barri nerve Cochlear Nerve, feeds the superior oblique muscle of the eye. Germinal nerve Germinal Nerve, sensory nerve of the face (sense) and the scalp, as well as carrying a kinetic fiber to chewing muscles. Nerve exiled Abductions Nerve and feeds straight brutality of the eye muscle. Facial nerve Facial Nerve, and feeds the surface of the face muscles (muscles of expression, such as smiling and frowning) and carries sensory pain fibers and the heat of the ear, as well as fiber sensory tasting in the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and parasympathetic fibers Parasympathetic Fibers of the salivary glands. Vestibular cochlear nerve Vestibular Nerve, nerve responsible for hearing and balance in humans. Pharyngeal nerve Pharyngeal Nerve, carries sensory fibers from the last third of the tongue and the valleys of the salivary glands of fibers and fiber mobility of the muscles of the pharynx. Vague nerve Vague Nerve and holds the valleys Parasympathetic Fibers Fibers for members of a-Sadr and the digestive system and the heart, for example to stimulate the vague nerve reduces the heart rate and increases the bowel movement. And also it holds the kinetics of fiber to the throat muscles and pharynx and larynx. Additional nerve Accessory Nerve and nourishes the throat muscles and pharynx with the vague nerve and a branch of it feeds the involuntary muscles in the neck. Hypoglycemia nerve Hypoglycemia Nerve and is the motor nerve of the tongue which feeds the muscles of the tongue. Cranial_nerves.jag Illustration of the bottom surface of the brain shows the cranial nerve and its connection with the brain, and are described by their serial numbers. Cerebellum regulates muscle movements to be harmonious and well balanced in humans, where it is responsible for the sense of the development of the body in space, if the person damage in the cerebellum, it sways while walking and can not walk in a straight path, as well as shaking hands when he wants to pick something , as well as his words be slow and unclear and improvisatory. Spinal cord Spinal Cord begins after the medulla obligation and extends to the bottom of the channel in vertebrate Vertebral Canal in backbone Vertebral Column to the second lumbar vertebra and then end up in the form of caudal Quintina Caudal Equine. And the gray matter of the spinal cord in the form of letter H and the front arm called anterior horn Anterior Horn and back posterior horn Posterior Horn and Horn on the lateral side (lateral) Lateral Horn and gray matter consists of the bodies of neurons, and anterior horn arises from motor root Motor Root and from motor nerves of voluntary muscles, and sensory posterior horn and intervention from different members of the body posterior horn sensory nerves through the sensory root Sensory Root and the central channel in the middle of the gray matter take place. White matter, which is made up of neurons axes surround the article gray in the spinal cord and is a rising nervous fibers, such as spinal way cerebellar Cerebellar Tract, which carries sensory information and the status of the cerebellum until the person can balance and modification status, and another clinical spinal way Example Hypothalami Tract and which carries the thermal sensation of the bed (or mulch) Thalamus in the brain until the body unable to regulate temperature. And descending corticosteroid nerve fibers, such as spinal Corticosteroid Tract way and which carries the commands from the motor cortex to the anterior horn of it and the motor nerves by motor root so that the body movement required of it depending on the situation. spinal_cord_section.jag Motor nerves of the spinal cord go out in pairs, no one from the right and another from the left of the front of the spinal cord, and enter sensory nerves as well as in both sides of the spinal cord from the back and one from the right and the other from the left, any pair activist and a pair of voluptuous. And this is the case on the spinal cord along the feeds until all members of the body and also convey such information to the brain. And areas where the nerves come out of the spinal cord called the spinal areas (medulla) Spinal Segments, these areas are called by paragraph in the backbone area and there are 31 forklift divided as follows: 8 cervical regions (in the neck) Cervical Segments (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8). 12 Thoracic Segments thoracic area (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12). 5 Lumbar Segments cotton regions (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5). 5 sacral areas Sacral Segments (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5). 1 Asama Coccyges Segment area. And these numbers are the same number of spinal nerves (spinal) Spinal Nerves that arise from the spinal cord and carry the same designation the region they come from, for example, the first thoracic spinal nerve T1 Spinal Nerve arises from the first thoracic spinal region T1 Spinal Segment. Spinal_cord_segments.jag The chart showing the medulla Autumnal (spinal), as well as spinal nerves that arise from them. Envelops the central nervous system and is 3 membranes from the inside out: 1) Pia mater Pia Matter. 2) Wide mother Arachnoid Matter. 3) Duran mater Dara Matter. PNS Peripheral nervous system consists of: 1) peripheral motor nerves Peripheral Motor Nerves and which arise from the spinal cord and nourish the voluntary muscles in the body. 2) peripheral sensory nerves Peripheral Sensory Nerves that carry sensation and all kinds of pain and touch and pressure and temperature and the deep feelings and a sense of Baroda of the brain through the spinal cord. 3) cranial nerves Cranial Nerves and may we have mentioned previously. 4) the autonomic nervous system Autonomous Nervous System, which feeds involuntary muscles such as the heart muscle and the lungs and digestive system, as well as endocrine and blood vessels f wall consists of the sympathetic nervous system Sympathetic Nervous System and parasympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic Nervous System. The sympathetic nervous system arises from the lateral horn of the spinal cord, and fiber pee-Friendly node Ganglionic Sympathetic Fibers graduated beginning of the piece medulla pectoral first T1 to the second piece medulla cotton L2, and after they leave be held on both sides of the backbone and the series of nodes called chain Sympathetic Chain and friendly of this series fibers arise after the friendly node Ganglionic Sympathetic Fibers that feed the entire body fibers sympathetic nervous system. And there are usually 11 knots waistcoat Thoracic Ganglion and 4 cotton Lumbar Ganglion and 4 sacral Sacral Ganglion in each of the two strings in the neck and there are 3 contract and friendly. And a perfect example of the work of the friendly device is the case, felt by human in the face of danger, for example, coincidence lion in the jungle, accelerating your heart and can accommodate pupil eye and hair stand your body and expands the airways and blood vessels in the muscles and feel that you can precede Running horse and tightened blood vessels in the skin VHS cold and sweating increases and shrink the urinary bladder valve, and the sympathetic nervous system fibers arise from the lateral horn of the spinal cord. The work of the parasympathetic nervous system leads to reduce the heart rate and increase the secretion of salivary glands and increase bowel movement and expansion of blood vessels in the skin sag and the urinary bladder and valve stenos iris and eyes move to the inside (of the clarity of near vision). And fibers arise from this device second sacral spinal cord cutting Sacral Segments and the third and fourth of the spinal cord (S2, S3, S4) and also be mounted in the third cranial nerve and the seventh and the ninth and tenth (see cranial nerves at the top). Basic anatomical component of the nervous system is the nerve cell, which is made up of body and Hallstatt branched from him, and called the neuron neuron name, arise from the cell body elongation cylindrical axial direction with specific so-called axon axon name. The short, dentifrice branching are moving to different areas, and called the dendrite dendrites name. And support cells known as neurons as the whole nervous glutinous neurological, and is working to support and isolate neurons and nutrition. Batch nerve nervous impulse going inside the neuron from the dendrite to the cell body, and ultimately into the axon; and the movement of nerve axons installment away from the cell body. Alarm is transmitted from one neuron to another by a specialized structure called the synapse synapse. Nervous topography is divided into two sentences: Central central and peripheral peripheral, and there is a functional section called Wholesale independent neurological R (or self). Central nervous system of the brain and spinal cord, which Atkinson articles of poliomyelitis and white composed, and include wholesale peripheral rest of the other components, which are the roots of the nerves and the contract and braids and nerves, peripheral nerve endings. It surrounds the brain and spinal cord membranes called meninges, and contains the brain called ventricles Navajo ventricles. The Hollows contain braids chronic choroid plexuses, which consists of many blood vessels surrounded by cells lining the walls of the ventricles, and secrete cerebration fluid cerebration fluid that fills the ventricles and out of one of them (of the fourth ventricle roof), to Energy in the space of meningitis is the space under the arachnoid, Faith the brain and spinal cord [t. Meninges (Anatomy)]. The arteries supplying the brain believes his oxygen supply was plentiful and Lakota, and receives about 15% of the product of the heart. Brain (Figure 2) central nervous system Figure 3 the central nervous system Brain Encephalopathy brain accounts for about 1/50 of the body weight, and is located within the interracial cavity. In brain sections: brain cerebrum, brainstorm and brain stem which is divided into birdbrain birdbrain and peons and spinal bridge prolonged medulla obligation (any bulb Ashia), and the cerebellum. Brain: called the brain's name on the section of the brain is located within the interracial above the cerebellum and the brain stem, is divided mediated deep incision called a notch cerebral longitudinal longitudinal cerebral fissure into two halves cerebral ball right-handed and left Includes each Brina brutal (sideways), and is associated with half the ball in depth each other mediated a mass of white substance (nerve fibers), called the body callous corpus callous, and separating the hemispheres along the Duran mater of the brain called sickle flax cerebra, and even extends into the rear hull callous. Surface section consists of the brain from the bodies of nerve cells, any of poliomyelitis material, form the cerebral cortex cerebral cortex, the deeper layers are composed of nerve fibers, any of the white material. Showing the folds of the brain cortex and many folds, called the phenomenon areas of folds gyro gyro, and separating the grooves gyro or Dulci cracks fissures, and increase the gyro of the surface area of the region of the brain increased significantly. Figure 4 lobes of the brain and Othella Divides the deep grooves each hemisphere cerebral to lobes take bones cranial Blindfolded have names, which lobes president following: frontal frontal, and parietal parietal, and temporal temporal, and occipital occipital, and called the grooves between the lobes of the central groove central calculus, brutal and groove (lateral) lateral calculus, parietal and occipital notch Pareto- occipital calculus. The core of the brain consists of white substance formed by nerve fibers or ways of linking the lobes, and nerve fibers coming from the cortex to the lower nerve centers in the wholesale or incoming to the crust of these centers. Most of the fibers of the brain and pass him contained in the mission area located between the basal nuclei basal ganglia and the thalamus known as internal portfolio internal capsule. TNT pulp task within blocks of poliomyelitis material include basal nuclei and thalamus and hypothalamus hypothalamus. Brain functions: There are three forms of the events associated with the cerebral cortex: Events on the mental memory, intelligence, sense of responsibility, and thinking, trial, and ethical behavior. Receiving sensory overall sensations of pain, heat, touch, sight, hearing, taste, and smell. Move the skeletal muscle, any voluntary. Some brain regions specialize Tybalt sensory and motor efficiency voluntary, but that is unlikely to be confined to the work of any area in one post. These are called specialized areas courtyards areas name, and the most important functional patios are: Figure 5 functional patios in the brain Bahia motor: motor area this courtyard is located in the frontal lobe, and frontal gurus rookie directly in front of the central groove, and neurons this is responsible for the launch of contraction skeletal muscle orders courtyard, and down axons of these neurons to the brain stem, and here either that these fibers are clashing with the nuclei of nerves cranial in the brain stem in the two sides approved the return, or they reflect in the bottom of the bulb to the opposite side and then descend in the spinal cord, and manufactures fiber clamps with a second neuron Lida ends, any Peshawar, the plate motor terminal muscle fiber in the appropriate level of the spinal cord. This means that the motor area of the right hemisphere controls voluntary muscle movement in the left side of the body, and vice avers. Neuron that his body is located in the brain is a motor neuron upper upper motor neuron and other neuron cell which is located his body in the trunk of the brain or spinal cord is the lower motor neuron, and the resulting damage to any of the Alanine paralysis. In the motor area of the brain's representation of the body from the top to the bottom, cells closest to the summit controls feet, while based cells in the lower section controls the head and neck, and be patios cortical actress of the sections of the hull different space commensurate with the complexity of the movement of the department concerned from the body, not with its size , that is, hand, foot, tongue and lips actress courtyards crusty wide compared to what represents the trunk. The courtyard in front of the motor promoter area: located in front of the patio motor directly, and is believed to control the motor area, when writing or lace, for example, is shrinking group of muscles, and requires unison movements and implemented according to a specific frequency enters the skill contained in this yard range, and section bottom of this patio specializes in speech and is known as the courtyard of the speech motor motor speech area, which is dominant in the left hemisphere Mammalian, and contrast when hardship. Bahia frontal: This stretch of the courtyard patio in front of the motor previous to the rest of the frontal lobe, a large area, and with a remarkable development in humans compared with animals, and this is responsible for the patio and personal behavior and emotional state. Bahia sensory sensory area: located in the parietal gyros behind the central groove. And are here to receive a sense of pain and temperature, pressure and touch and know the articular and the status of joint movement, and receive patio sensory half right ball payments from the left side of the body, and vice verse, and the proportion represented different regions of the sections of the body size with importance innervating the sensory, the region represented, for example, the face of a large area in a manner agreed rich sensory innervation of the face. Figure 6 Figure A shows this method of body representation in the motor area of the brain, with the way the body representation in the sensory courtyard in the brain. Patio wall: located behind the courtyard, located in the sensory gyros behind Central, and include a significant portion of the parietal lobe cortex, and are believed to be involved in knowledge tactile minute objects and store this knowledge. The courtyard of the sensory speech: Located in the lower section of the parietal lobe, and extends within the temporal lobe, and are here to receive audible speech, and Bahia be dominant in the left hemisphere Mammalian, while the contrast when hardship. Bahia audio: auditory area located in the temporal lobe directly under the lateral groove (lateral), and the cells receive payments borne Section cochlear (auditory) nerve of the vestibular cochlear, and interpreted. Bahia olfactory olfactory (smell) area: are located deep in the temporal lobe, and receive payments nerve hyphenation of the nose through the olfactory nerve, and interpreted. Bahia gustatory taste area: believed to be located directly above the lateral groove under the lower section of the sensory courtyard, and receive payments from nerve endings, especially in the taste buds of linguistic and buccaneer and palatal and pharyngeal. Bahia visual: visual area located in the occipital lobe, parietal occipital notch behind, on both sides of the so-called special furrow groove calcimine, optic nerve stems from each eye and fibers up this patio that receive nerve impulses and interpret visual Kawabata first. Basal nuclei are located deep within the brain halves of football, it is linked functionally crust, and is believed to be involved in muscular tension in slow and coordinated control events. Hypothalamus is located on both sides of the third ventricle, located in the Medline, a station on the roads senses redistribute these senses to the brain cortex. Hypothalamus is the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and above the pituitary gland directly. It is connected to the pituitary gland nerves and vessels make it controls the hormones released from the gland, and include other functions controlled by the hypothalamus wholesale independent neurological control, and appetite and satiety, thirst and the balance of water, and the heat of the body, and interactions emotional, such as pleasure and fear and anger, sexual behavior and child-rearing, and times of vital such as the sleep-wake cycle, and the secretion of certain hormones. Control cerebral: it is acceptable that there is control of one of the cerebral hemispheres on the other half in a manner controlled by the right person left hemisphere and the right hemisphere when Albertan, but this concept is left is his place to the concept of protrusion and certain functions or activities in a halves; This is in addition to that, if it was a direct function halves what the completion of this function requires the work of the two halves together, if the hemisphere responsible «what we are saying» the right half is responsible for «the way we talk». Overall the Manorial, left hemisphere deals with analytical information while the right hemisphere specializes in the overall processing of information. The right hemisphere is responsible for the realization forms and the situation in space, and then to recognize the body scheme, and works rather a standard way logician and associative correlative, and mean what is tangible, and participate in the passion and attention, while the left hemisphere is responsible for abstraction and coding and logic, that is, responsible for knowledge and expression, and works analytical manner, and is directed towards action and initiative. To say that the left hemisphere prevails in mathematics was possible while the right half prevail in the art of painting, sculpture and music. Brainstorm: Contains birdbrain and the bridge and spinal ridge (ire onion Ashia). Birdbrain: Is the area of the brain and between the brain located at the top and the bridge at the bottom, and is composed of nerve fibers connecting the brain trunk of the brain and spinal cord, and the nuclei of some cranial nerves. Bridge: is the area of the brain and the brain is under the average and above the bone ridge (onion Ashia), its structure similar to the structure of the birdbrain. Spinal ridge (onion Ashia): extends the bone ridge (onion Ashia) from the bridge above it to communicate with the spinal cord at the bottom. And a length of about 5.2 cm, and is located within the interracial directly. The functions of the brain stem: Includes the brain stem in addition to fiber hyphen between the brain and spinal cord, cranial nerves packages nuclei, and nuclei less regularly, and some sensory nuclei constitute connected to sensory fibers outgoing from the spinal cord to the brain stops. Characterized in cores linked reflexes cells effectively independent groups (self), and known as the vital centers vital centers. These centers are: Cardiovascular Center vascular cardiovascular center: controls the cardiac contraction and strength systems. Independent self-nerve fibers go from the spinal ridge (onion) to the heart, and the sympathetic alarm works to increase the heartbeat rate and strength. Fiber counterpart friendly go directly to the heart, and works alarm interscholastic heart to slow down and weaken the strength of the pulse R. Independent nerve (sentence)]. Respiratory center respiratory center: controls the rate of breathing and depth, nerve impulses from this center go to the schizophrenic nerves intercontinental nerve that incite shrinking veil and intercontinental muscles are the inspiration, alert the respiratory center-mediated carbon dioxide rise and lack of oxygen in the blood, and mediated by nerve impulses from the chemical receptors located in intervocalic. Center Engine vessels vasomotor center: controls blood vessel diameter, especially small arteries and arterioles in the walls that contain a large percentage of smooth muscle fibers, and can alert to happen Tedda or expansion of the blood vessels depending on the location of blood. Alert Center sources engine vessels are arterial pressure and body temperature receptors, sexual thrill and emotions and anger, causing pain and usually Tedda Aglaia, but intense pain and expansion Aglaia and downs may occur in blood pressure and fainting. Reflexes centers reflex centers: When you enter the irritating substances in the stomach or respiratory tract nerve payments go to the bone ridge (onion), then it is notified reflexes which launches the reflectivity of vomiting, coughing and sneezing acts in order to expel the irritant centers. Cerebellum Cerebellum cerebellum is located in the interracial cavity behind the bridge, under the rear section of the brain. Oval shape, and consists of two halves separated by a narrow football Massif called worm vermin, and the surface of the cerebellum consists of poliomyelitis crust, and its core is composed of some white material surrounding the cerebellar nuclei. The functions of the cerebellum: I mean, the cerebellum voluntary muscle movement and postural position and balance format. And not subject to effective cerebellar volitional control, the cerebellum controls a different set of movements and coordinated by a guarantor so smooth completion and accuracy. It coordinates between the actors involved to maintain the balance of the body, and are given sensory information related to these functions of muscles and joints, ears and eyes, and show physical payments receiving proprioceptive impulses from muscles and joints on the status of these muscles and joints for the whole body; and provide channels semicircular in the ears Information on the status of the head in a vacuum. Payments issued by the cerebellum in reduced structural muscle affect about where to maintain balance and posture. Damage to the cerebellum leads to muscular movement clumsy and inconsistent, and faltering gait, and the inability to do steady and precise movements. Spinal cord Spinal cord spinal cord (medulla spinal) section of the central nervous elongated, semi-cylindrical, hanging in the spinal tunnel and surrounded Balkhash and cerebration fluid, and continues at the top with the bone ridge (onion Ashia), and extends from the upper edge of the cervical vertebra First, any atlas atlas to the bottom edge of the second lumbar vertebra, a length of the man of about 45 cm and a diameter of about Qatar pinky. When the need for a sample of the cerebration fluid, the fluid-mediated pulls a needle inserted in a point below the lower end of the spinal cord, that is below the level of the second lumbar vertebra, and this procedure is called a lumbar puncture lumbar puncture. Spinal cord clip objector shows that this bone is composed of white material in the ocean and material poliomyelitis in the center. White matter: organized white matter in the spinal cord in three columns columns front and rear and brutal, in every aspect. These columns consist of ways of sensory nerve fibers ascending to the brain, and motor nerve fibers descending from the brain, neurons and fibers Association. Often called the proportion of ways to arise and end zones, for example, spinal hypothalamus way, and the way the cortical spinal. Common sources borne ways emerging sensory nerve (contained) in the spinal cord: There are two main sources of sense transferred to the brain mediated by the spinal cord: Figure 7 shows a sensory nerve roads of the skin. A skin receptors: cutaneous receptors which are nerve endings sensory mindful of the pain, heat, cold, touch, including pressure, and transmitted nerve impulses generated by three neurons to sensory courtyard in the cerebral hemisphere on the opposite side, and happen to cross to the other side, any dessication , in spinal cord or spinal level ridge (onion Ashia). B receptors expropriation: proprioceptive that are sensory nerve endings in the tendons, muscles and joints mindful mediated tensile, and collaborating with co-payments from the eyes and ears in maintaining balance and posture and perceive the body site in a vacuum. How nerve calamity (issued) in the spinal cord: neurons that carry nerve impulses to the spinal cord, and ultimately into the skeletal muscle and smooth muscle and cardiac muscle and glands are monseigneur (issued or descending). Motor roads outgoing of the brain is composed to the muscles of Boniness activists upper and lower, and most important of these ways the way the cortical spinal, also known as hierarchical way, and is motor neuron body top in the cerebral cortex, and exhibits Peshawar with hierarchical way passing the brain stem before reaching the spinal cord to grapple with cellular objects to the lower motor neurons. Body motor neuron bottom is located in the anterior horn of the material retrovirus in the spinal cord, and pops Peshawar of the spinal cord through the front root spinal nerve, which joins the rear root sensory nerve to form a spinal nerve mixed, and branched axon near completion in the muscle to very small branches form platelet motor terminal motor-end plates. Gray matter:-like regularity grey matter gray matter in the spinal cord gray matter H. shape perforated in its central channel, which is a continuation of the fourth ventricle (which is the inner cavities of the brain), and classifies cellular objects in the gray matter is classified in three varieties are symbols : sensory cells are located in the rear column receive payments from the members of the body, and monseigneur lower payments to the movement of skeletal muscle, and neurons connector neurons Association up between sensory and motor neurons. Section in Figure 8 shows the spinal cord nerve roots in the one-sided Spinal reflexes: these reflexes consists of three elements: the sensory neurons, and the neurons in the spinal cord Association, and the lower motor neurons. And act reflex reflex reaction Instant kinetics in response to an alert sensuous, and can for a lot of neurons Association and kinetic be aware mediated batches of a small area of the skin, for example, pain payments resulting from a very hot surface of the finger tentacle to the spinal cord through the sensory nerves passed, and alert these payments Malcolm Association of many neurons and lower monseigneur in the spinal cord, leading to many structural contraction of the muscles in the hand and upper arm, shoulder and leading to the withdrawal of the finger, and the aim of this is to provide protection reflexes and get away from the source of harm. In reflexes tensile, as in the reflected patellae, any jerk knee knee jerk, there is no neuron link, but Astra in the reflected only Boniness: Sensual, and lower motor; When knocks patellae tendon hammer reflexes gets tightening in the gut and in the muscle in question, which generates nervous impulse go to the spinal cord, to reach the cell body of the motor neuron bottom object in the front side squirrel in the corresponding column. Resulting in the sudden contraction of the thigh muscle in question (square muscle heads), and «kick» foot towards the front. Cranial nerves There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves that arise from the nuclei located in the brain and brain stem, some sensory and some are mixed. They leave the interracial cavity through holes exist in interracial base. Nerve roots spinal: every nerve spindle of the spinal cord Hildebrand arises: Front activist, and rear voluptuous, consists front root of the nerve anterior nerve root of the kinetics nerve fibers are the axons of nerve cells located at the front of the column of material gray, and added to in the two regions bra and cotton fibers nervous
Saturday, 23 May 2015
Food relationship mental capacity
The brain is the march of the body and controlled in various interactions that occur within it, and to work in a good way must be fed properly how. Despite the importance of the brain, it unfortunately suffers from malnutrition when most people. Brain and weighs about 1.3 kg as it represents approximately 2% of the total mass of the human body, but consumes 20% of the total energy, like take over ten times its share of energy compared with its mass, and here we can see the importance of brain nutrition and the need for attention. So what are the most important materials needed? It is characterized fed from the rest of the body? And to what extent the shortage affects fed him and the rest of the body? Hunger of our brains, not our stomach! The brain is available on millions of brain cells lose thousands of them every day because of the toxins that exposed the human body and because of malnutrition, stress, medicines, and provide circulatory brain materials needed by Halogen, sugar and fatty acids and amino and minerals, and no shortage of the necessary materials Embrocation and vitamins cause in decline cerebral capacity, also deprived of oxygen for a few minutes lead to his death, because oxygen is necessary for the production of energy, because every brain cell rely on itself to produce its own energy. According to a report Kellogg of 1989 that the brain components and behavior are changing fast how after every meal, and Dr. Feingold that what we eat affects our brain and was in our behavior, while some scholars object to studies that adopt the fact that the food effect on the brain on the grounds that These trials were conducted on the animal and not a human. We hunger of our brains and not our stomach and the evidence for that is that the people who removed them stomach still feel hungry, brain is the one who makes us feel it and controls the food we like to eat type, because the vision of food paint a picture in our brain that a decision to eat or rejected. There are important food does not reach the brain because they do not pass into the blood as there are unwanted material sneaks through the blood to the brain despite the existence of a barrier between blood and brain secretes substances that would have to go to the brain. Overall, the researchers concluded that foods rich in protein affect the mental capacity to be addressed as raising the amount of adrenaline and can think and focus in a good way, while foods rich in sugars emotional affect our behavior. Experiments have shown that the brain need of food varies depending on the period which took in, where the rising need for sugar in the morning, for example, but should avoid a lot of them because it brings sleepiness, as women during pregnancy need to be fat, therefore the brain interferes with the production of Alanine a substance that works as well estrogen on the increase in Trashy fatty foods. Brain and nutrients It enters the brain in the chemical reactions and dialogues with biological elements and food units such as sugars, proteins, vitamins and mentalities, to ensure stability and continuity and provides the body what it needs through messages informing him of chemical media (1) and hormones. Says Dr. Michael Ogilvy: "form of fat 60% of the brain mass, and 70% of which are fatty acids of the type of omega-3," which is a long-chain raise the resistance General Already particles (2) to crack down on substances that cause inflammation, and is still discussing Experts on the resistance to depression, he had Dr. Andre Toll experience in 2001, when I gave the fish oil is rich in this article to his patients noted they eased their symptoms of depression, and it seems that I said it lead to lower Cartoonist receptors on nerve cells level, and is known that Cartoonist responsible for psychological comfort. There is this article in fatty fish such as sardines, salmon and crustaceans, which is advisable to consume two or three times a week. The following is the impact of some of the food on the work of some chemical mediators needed by the brain to perform its mission: The substance choline (3) is a former Colonialist a broker chemical essential in remembering process, where Dr. Stefan Zizl indicates that we need a day to 550 mg of choline, as Albanian material that contribute to the formation and chemical modes of action necessary for the brain, as well as vitamins, iron and some amino acids and Kerosene Phenylalanine. Says Dr. David Bnton: "The _Kinshasa in vitamin B1 detract from the installation media chemical important for the work of the brain Aspartame and Kappa, and the lack of vitamin C affect the installation Noradrenalin from dopamine, although a shortage of vitamin B9 helps the emergence of Parkinson's disease," concluded so out from experiments on mice displayed a lack of vitamin B9, and note that neurons that ride dopamine has weakened dramatically, and is known that the decrease of this article is responsible for the emergence of Parkinson's disease. Therefore, this Dr. stressed that his concern for the population of the United States along the lines of most developed countries because half of them do not care about this article in nutrition, and advise them that in order to take care of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. And it helps the amino acid on the production of Transcriptional Cartoonist, sugars and managed to raise the rate of insulin, which expels most of the amino acids from the blood and can thus Transcriptional of access to the brain because it can not do so in the presence of other amino acids. And decreased antioxidant levels (4) significantly with age in most cells of the body and especially the brain, leading to accumulation of dangerous oxides (4) that cause the death of brain cells or distorted, so you should focus on food resistance to oxidation, such as vegetables, fruits and fish It contains vitamins, especially A and E, and the minerals zinc and Millennium. And a lack of vitamin B1 leads to personality disorder and a lack of vitamin B3: delirium, dementia, memory loss, either Vitamin B12 deficiency, causing in Alzheimer's disease, is caused by lack of frolic acid, memory loss and Alzheimer's, and all these diseases related to the brain. The fish oils, they served on the brain, including the following: the flexibility granted membranes of brain cells that enable them to communicate with each other and thus help to concentrate and remember, and therefore enjoys Galibi who eat fish frequently strong memory and good concentration. Reduce the risk of strokes because they choose to resist the blood into cells. Studies have shown that there is a relationship between eating fish and reduce the incidence of depression. Herbal medicine has proved effective for some species enhance memory, concentration and recall, including rosemary and absinthe. And other factors contribute to the good work of the brain, including: strengthening the communications and connections between brain cells by study and application of science provides the person on the importance within the community or the middle. Activities and exercise that supply the brain with more oxygen. If our brain needs a special attention and special feed, it will enable us to cover the requirements of our pockets? Is the Arab world is available - as well as his poverty - on the cultural destiny enough to understand this scientific information? How could our ancestors and creativity in the fields of nutrition modest life? Questions that need answers. (1) Media apostles or chemical substances which are related to brain cells through which the rest of the body's organs (2) General Alrehg is the sum of physical and mental disorders generated by a variety of motives such as a cold or illness or emotional trauma or surgical In other words, is the work of the motives or the circumstances leading to these disorders. (3) choline family of vitamin B and are found in egg yolks, liver, beans, soya (4) antioxidants obtained by the body from food which is about vitamins or minerals blowing electrons own molecules sound to prevent the transformation into oxides, which result from the transformation of oxygen atoms to the case of increasing the activity or the so-called ions in the science of chemistry, and creates many problems resulting from malnutrition and environmental pollution Quality of food provided to children affected in early childhood in determining the levels of intelligence and the ability to pay attention and focus they have and even in determining their behavior towards the society around them, in terms of nutrition studies have shown that eating foods that contain vitamins and minerals play a key role in the level of intelligence of the child development, and the child who inherited the intelligence from his parents may drop IQ if he has not received proper nutrition. And US researchers recently revealed that malnutrition during the first years of life leads to a decline IQs in children and the generation of aggressive tendency in social behavior continue with them through childhood and adolescence to the late period, according to a study published by the American Psychiatric Association. In a research project took 14 years, researchers from the University of Southern California, led by Dr. "Jiang Hong Liu" keeps track of food and behavioral growth and Cognitive for more than 1,000 children of Indian, Chinese, English and French descent, living in the island of Mauritius, which lies in the Indian Ocean off the African coast. Included sample children in the age of three, the researchers assessed the nutritional status of each of them by searching for specific indicators, such as the presence of cracks in the lips or in the corners of the mouth, as an indicator of the lack of a vitamin compounds (b), or hair color, as it leads the lack of a proteins, especially in the tropics, to discoloration of hair red orange, as well as the thickness and density of the hair, the two are influenced by the lack of elemental zinc and iron, as well as anemia, a disease that often refers to iron deficiency. Perception was measured and intelligent child mortality rates, as the staff social workers visit children who conducted the study for them to stand on their social conditions such as the level of income and education level of the parents and families of their careers. Upon the arrival of children ages 8, 11 and 17 years, the researchers conducted an assessment of their behavior in school and at home, and by that assessment, the researchers concluded that there is a fixed relationship between malnutrition and between aggressiveness in social behavior. Comparing the children who were suffering from malnutrition problems with their peers who were not have these problems, it turns out that children who suffer from malnutrition showed aggressive behavior more than their peers healthy 41% at the age of 8 years, and an increase of 10% at the age of 11 years, and an increase in violence by 51% at the age of 17 years. The researchers attributed this to the lack of important elements such as zinc, iron or compounds vitamin or (b) the lack of proteins negatively affects the brain development, leading to a decrease IQ, and result in aggressive social behavior, the researchers noted that the higher the degree of malnutrition, increased Unit aggressiveness in social behavior. Vitamins Colin While some believe that the child's intelligence level is born with it can not be changed in any way, and some is due other level of intelligence of the child to the genetic factor; however, the nutrition experts assert that there is a kind of vitamins occupy the utmost importance in the question of raising the IQ of the child, which (vitamin Colin) who enters the building task nervous vectors to stimulate memory called (acetyl choline), which helps the vitamin to form growths nervous to improve memory and increase IQ, and there is this kind of vitamins in eggs, wheat, meat, liver, fish, cheese, peanut yolk. A study conducted by the American Institute of Nutrition showed that vitamins (b) increase the IQ also because it works on the necessary energy to work the brains of the child as well as it works on the production of neurotransmitters and stimulate blood circulation to the brain and are resistant to anemia, which leads to lack of concentration disease. The foods that contain vitamin intake (c) such as citrus fruits oranges, lemons, grapefruit and fruits red like cherry tomatoes and strawberries as well as leafy vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, spinach, squash and peppers also helps the development of attention and nerve cells, which strengthens memory, as well as the mineral her salts its important role in the brain work, where the phosphorus to strengthen memory and increase concentration, which is available in fish, meat, eggs, poultry and dairy products, dates, fresh vegetables along with iodine, which affects the mental development of children and resides in the food and fortified fish salt. There are some foods that promote memory, and not to feed the body leads to a general weakness in the memory, of these foods as salmon, fish eggs and some Lajos nuts and raisins, and some juices like grape juice and carrot juice. Intelligent guide Always what parents draw the difficulty in improving the quality of meals provided to children of school age, as a result of lack of children's commitment to addressing the food provided to them, leading to affected school performance, and therefore nutrition experts advise making sure to provide meals that improve memory and mental processes of the child's performance, and These tips are: Must-containing foods provide vitamins (C) and (E), after it has been scientifically proven that the presence of these vitamins in the body memory helps greatly in the registration and information retrieval operations smoothly, and there are vitamin (C) in fresh fruits and vegetables in particular, and in large quantities in lemon, raspberry, strawberry, guava different on paper and vegetables to be eaten fresh. The vitamin (E) Vivarium in abundance in vegetable oils especially wheat germ oil and in nuts, sunflower oil, tomatoes, spinach and milk soy, potatoes, broccoli and peanut butter and Sudanese in the pumpkin, mango, and vitamin (E) effect on the activity of the cells where it is anti- oxidation and helps the nervous system and the quality of the organization of glucose found in the brain, which is the main brain food, and are advised to submit the two types of vitamins in the morning at breakfast to ensure the best performance of the children in the study. Based on the education of the child interest in obtaining the full it needs from vitamin (B) private (B1) and (B2) and (B6) and (B12) which is which play an important role in controlling the functions of the nerves, and there are vitamin (B1) in meat, whole grains and yogurt Experience has confirmed that eat more whole grains leads to increase and serenity mental focus and raise the degree of activity, and there are (B2) in the dairy, liver and plants leafy banana has deficiency leads to severe cramps for the child There is also a (B12) in meat, liver, kidney, heart, eggs, poultry and soy products, which helps the formation of myelitis material that covers and protects nerve parties and deficiency leads to delayed mental development. And stresses Dr. "Bethany Petra" - spokeswoman for the American Institute of Nutrition - the get the child Ali (Omega 3) is very important and zinc for the development of intelligence and activate Leelah operations, and there are (Omega 3) in salmon, tuna, seeds berries and olive oil, while zinc Mortuary in eggs. It advises d. "Bethany," depending on the salad as a substitute for traditional food forms where the mother through the dish salads provide all the elements required for the child and intended Ballast here is traditional authorities such as those containing beans, beans, beans and boiled corn Sudanese oil or wheat germ, eggs, fish fillet, spices, It can also mix all this and grounded and mixed to prepare a mixture of sandwiches the morning and afternoon with the change in forms and add this mix even gain the admiration of children and respond to them. And also it takes into account the dairy provision or products per day for children because they contain vitamin (D) necessary to ensure muscular and nervous compatibility in children, and advises "Bethany" need to take care to provide (28) grams only from animal meat or poultry for children every day after the addition of lemon mechanism to ensure the child from all forms of vegetable protein benefit and ensure the efficiency of protein absorption. Recent studies confirm what I think parents for a long time that there is a relationship between what to eat their children and their way of thinking and their behavior and learning. And the brain like any other member of the body needs to be good food. It uses 20-25% of the energy consumed by the human, the more the brain eating good food reflected on this human work in general. And the food can affect the mood of happiness or sorrow, and the thinking and behavior, and even the brain can build or destroy it with food also. p> Good nutrition is a good reason to adopt The body's wondrous system in the distribution of nutrients, Members are vital to get the important nutrients found in the blood first. , Brain does not work very well, of course, is reflected on the rest of the body makes him work in an unsatisfactory manner, so the brain receives special treatment because of its importance when the body distribution of nutrients. The brain consists of millions of millions of nerve cells known as the "Neuron". These are the functions of thinking and memory, movement and many other tasks that do not pay attention to human, and are the speed of light in the transition between cells. He graduated from neurons minutes branches communicate with other branches similar to other nerve cells, it becomes a scene similar to the map tangled roads linking cities together. There are chemicals called neurotransmitters to facilitate the delivery of nerve signals through the gaps between the incident and the other cell, becomes as bridges to connect. The influence of nutrition on the brain in three ways 1. You need the nerve cell itself to feed the performance of its functions like any other cell in the body. 2. fatty membrane that covers nerve cell branches and which is similar to foam insulation that covers the power cords, and leads to the speed of transmission of electrical signals in nerve cell branches, needs special to be configured nutrients, such as essential fatty acids, and when you drop these important nutrients transmission speed less These nerve signals. 3. neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine and nor epinephrine, carry messages from one nerve cell to another and affect the mood and thoughts and actions. Some of the nutrients in the food we eat becomes part of the neurotransmitters that help us in thinking. These neurotransmitters clearly explain important dynamic relationship between food and mood and psychological generally. Each of nerve cells and their branches stretching and nerve Methuselah need special nutrients in order to function properly, and at the lack of certain nutrients necessary for one of the components of this network they stop working just as any electrical network from work stop at the wiring damaged or components. Best Brain Food Some food benefit the brain more than other foods, although most useful food for thought. And the way we think and work and learn to be affected by food, and also prepared and handled in a manner and time occurs, and the types of food we eat together. And adores brain sugar and longed for carbohydrates, it consumes 20%, which covered the body of them, but love intelligent, The brain chooses sugar which deals with types, prefer continuous supply Latif, and when it receives the supply of sugar as a fuel, it works on a regular basis, but when oscillating sugar levels Blood up or down the behaviors and learning confused and disturbed. And sugar-based ratios in blood on the type of food that enters the body, some carbohydrates such as starches and sugars calm behavior while raised some other carbohydrates. Many researchers and baptizing to minimize the importance of the sugar dispositions relationship, especially when the activity of little children frequent attention, but the mothers that their children Alahzn increase their activity to the point of discomfort after eating the types of candy or drinking types of drinks and especially containing industrial colorings. These observations worthy of attention, because different types of sugar works on the brain in different ways, and some have bad effects on thinking and behaved children. These sugars are glucose, dextrose, sucrose, all in duplicate image of extremely pure, and are found in candy and canned beverages, baked goods. And sugars found in these foods enter the bloodstream quickly and reach high levels in a short time, stimulating thus the secretion of large amounts of the hormone insulin, which is needed for sugar accompanied into the cells, this process is carried out very quickly, thereby reducing the level of sugar in the blood, which in turn lead to the secretion of the hormone adrenaline, which works to bring out the sugar stored in the liver, rises in blood sugar level again, and this rise and fall and then rise affects the mood and concentration in some children and adults, leading to behavior disorder. The hormones that work on the sugar and the hormone adrenaline levels of disorder lead to imbalance of neurotransmitters, which makes the child feel turmoil and distress and a lack of focus and also sleepiness. So the best sugars to the brain is that come from carbohydrates (starches) complex such as beans, lentils, beans, peas, peanut butter, oatmeal, pastries, soybeans, potatoes and whole grains full, flour, brown rice and chips breakfast is manufactured from whole grains. And starches and fructose (fructose) does not cause turbulence in the mood, such as former sugars mentioned. Molecules starchy material characterized by a length, which takes a long time to break down in the intestines into simple sugars that can be used by the body, so they provide the body with its needs of sugar in a slow and continuous image and this is the best level of volatility in the case of pure refined sugar intake. The index for food diabetes Is the rate at which it enters the sugar from the food to the brain and the body's cells. The food index higher with diabetes raises the pancreas to secrete more insulin, which empties of blood sugar found it quickly into the cells Vtaatzbzb levels in the blood, and disturbed behavior as a result. Food and low-level of the index do not pay diabetes the pancreas to secrete more insulin, sugar remains unchanged at a moderate level. The feeding of the child starchy foods with a low index of diabetes is one of the means to help him to control his actions and activity at school or playing. Foods that contain useful sugars to the brain is • Fruits: such as grapefruit, apples, cherries, oranges, grapes, and this has a low index diabetes. The fruit is considered better than juice because they contain fiber reduces the speed of absorption of sugar found in fruits. And one apple will help the brain to work better than apple juice, and fresh juice is drained and the best content of the juice drained fibers. • Breakfast cereals and flakes: Oatmeal and apostasy have less diabetes index in each grain. The Spaghetti pasta and brown rice foods are good in terms of the index diabetes. And cornflakes his diabetes highest index. • vegetables and legumes: Beans such as soybeans, beans, lentils and cowpea her diabetes index less than any other food. The potatoes and fleecing contain the highest index diabetes, and increase its value considerably with cooking. • Dairy products: milk and yogurt have low index diabetes, although it is slightly larger pulses but less than the fruit. Yogurt with fruit, of course, be a diabetes index higher than normal yogurt. The way food is prepared and add other kinds of means to change the index for food diabetes which affects the speed of entry of sugar to the brain and the stability level. • High index foods such as diabetes juices and candy preferably addressed after a meal, where the presence of other foods reduces the speed of entry of sugar into the blood stream and then to the brain. Bearing in mind that eating sweets between meals can disrupt learning and harm, dispositions. • fat reduces the absorption of sugar, and this explains why the sugar in ice cream Diabetes index less of added sugar to fat-free yogurt. • containing power on vegetables and legumes such as cow pea, beans and other legumes contain low index diabetes, so they serve as food wonderful teachers increases mental performance of the child. • Eat foods low index diabetes with those with diabetes, high index foods reduces the effects of rapid blood sugar. Proteins to feed the neurotransmitters Proteins in food affect the brain's performance because they provide him with the amino acids that make them neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are biochemical messengers give signals from one nerve cell to another, and the more you feed these messengers whenever the functions efficiently. The most important of these two amino acids trap to fan and tyrosine and are the first two components of the neural connectors. And Aristophanes essential amino acid the body can not produce it without eating the food while it can produce tyrosine even if the amount is not sufficient in food. These two Muhammadan Anomalous affect four important neurological connectors serotonin is made from Aristophanes, and dopamine and Epinephrine and nor epinephrine and these are made from the amino acid tyrosine. And serotonin works to relax the brain, while the other three works are called collectively "Culmination" working to stimulate the brain. Most antidepressants known works by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain. Carbohydrates (starches) helps to produce serotonin, which explains the insatiable depressed to eat carbohydrates. And increased mental activity or dropping after a meal is influenced by two factors protein to carbohydrates, and also the proportion of Aristophanes and tyrosine. High protein food and a few starches with an increase in material Alternation lead to rapid activity of the brain, of marine meals and soy products, meat, eggs and dairy products. And meals containing a high percentage of carbohydrates with a little protein and high levels of Aristophanes lead to relax the brain, including chocolate, pies, pastries, nuts and seeds such as almonds and sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and legumes. The relationship between carbohydrates and protein The performance of the brain is affected after a meal is eating carbohydrates with protein, Carbohydrate stimulate the secretion of insulin, which helps more Aristophanes to enter the brain to produce more serotonin. The more simple sugars in the food the greater the production of serotonin, and the more calm the brain. Complex carbohydrates and slows the insulin secretion thus reducing the secretion of serotonin. Therefore, high-calorie meals would necessarily lead to a large amount of serotonin secretion leads to a sense of apathy after a meal. And eating large amounts of food at any meal, regardless of its components reduces mental performance. So to maintain the efficiency brain must have a meal characterized by the following: • be high in proteins containing tyrosine • to be moderate in the amount of sugars and starches contain mainly as a source of complex sugars • Related Content relatively low price. To relax the brain can calm him down or even a meal is characterized by the following: • High in protein-containing Counterpane • high content of carbohydrates • high caloric value And you can plan your meals according to how you want to work out your brain all day long. The low-calorie, high-protein meal containing complex carbohydrates make you active, and this is suitable for breakfast and food. High calories and carbohydrates and low in protein meal and make you relaxed and ready for deep sleep in the evening. So do not address the dessert after lunch if you intend to work to learn something or do a task that afternoon, and also if you want to be vigilant after dinner. The balance between calories and carbohydrates and protein in the meal what affects people in different ways, and this is not a note is selected, so be on every human being that knows food composition that affect it to be good, and are therefore different from someone Else's composition .oajb parents note their young children to learn type of food that improves their behavior and school behavior or hurt her. Fat Feed the brain The brain needs fat for the child and his work to the fullest, especially for young children, and also in the case of old age, it is known that there are two terms have two brain sensitive to feed: the first two years of age period and also twenty years, the last in the life of the elderly people, The brain in the two phases of growth and aging It needs a nutritious fat. The brain of the child in the first year of the old grow to three times the size of the time of birth, for this using brain 60% of the energy consumed by the child, and the brain also consists of 60% of the fat that constitute the main component of the membranes of the brain cell membrane surrounding Taffrail cell, therefore, Get the right amount of fat and the required quality can affect brain development and performance. In fact, 50% of the calories needed by the baby come from fat daily. In the mother's milk fat is 50% of the calories. And mother's milk is different from cow's milk in it contains fat needed for brain development, TEFL human needs to think and therefore the growth of his brain, while small cow does not need for the growth of the brain but also for the growth of the body. It is the fat in breast milk and contribute to the brain omega acid 3 and acid building Djellabahs impecunious DHA . Food affects mood • complex carbohydrates: Beans, whole grains and fruits lead to relax. • Soft drinks and candy lead to arousal. • Food Happiness: chocolate, milk, chicken, bananas and green leaves it to contain Aristophanes. • Food grief: food containing fat or too many sugars. Food thinking • to build the brain: asparagus, avocados, bananas, meat, yeast, brown rice and broccoli and cabbage (cabbage) Brose. As well as cantaloupe, cheese, chicken, eggs, flax oil, pulses, milk, oats, oranges, peanut butter, peas, potatoes, lettuce seed, addition, salmon, soybeans and Palembang, tuna, turkey, wheat germ and yogurt. • for the demolition of the brain: alcohol, food and industrial colorings industrial and cola, corn syrup and drinks with a high content of diabetes and hydrogenated oils (margarine), nicotine and eating excess food, white bread
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